[Iris du Pre, Jackie's mother]
Jackie could sing in tune before she could talk. One day after her bath I was drying her on my lap and I started to sing "Baa Baa Black Sheep"; she began to sing with me - just the tune. After a short while I stopped singing but she continued right through the end.
Jackie's choice of the cello as an instrument was firmly established one afternoon when we were listening to various instruments being demonstrated in a Children's Hour programme. As soon as she heard the cello, she said "Mummy, that's the sound I want to make"
I began to write little pieces of music for her, pieces suitable for someone her age and ability. I illustrated them with small sketches around the sides and slipped them under her pillow while she slept. In the morning she would waken early, leap out of bed to get her cello and play the latest composition, before even bothering to get dressed.
After her lessons she would usually go to see Mr Walenn and sit on his knee for a short chat. On one such occassion she interrupted the conversation by putting her head on one side and listening intently tothe chimes of the grandfather clock in his office. After a moment or two she said "Do you know that that clock is out of tune?" She has always had the most amazingly good ear.
When, after a competitive festival in London, a concert was given by the prizewinner, at which Princess Marie Louise presented the prizes, I recollect very clearly that we had a disappointed and rather dejected daughter to cope with because the Princess was not wearing a crown.
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